Drinking red raspberry leaf tea in the morning while I read the book of John from the MacArthur Study Bible
Getting dressed, a process that has become quite daunting with the large belly to cover and the necessary support stockings to squeeze into, even as the weather gets warmer...
Planning, preparing, and cleaning up the aftermath of three meals and two snacks a day...
Attempting to teach two small boys to share, be cheerful helpers, refrain from screaming, eat their food without complaining or playing at the table, and sleep at the appointed times...
Flying through Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Packing six-course lunches for my hardworking husband to take to his new job...
Tracking down our new insurance numbers to make several appointments and getting the appropriate record transfers and referrals...
Driving an hour roundtrip, once a week now, for an "Any questions? Everything looks good" prenatal visit...
Online shopping for sandals for the boys, diapers and a carrier
Checking out books on gardening from the library, for children and myself...
Watering and the little garden we planted and wondering if anything will grow...
Reminding Hayden to go potty, and washing little hands that can't quite reach the sink...
Organizing children's clothing by gender, size, and season, and making trips to the attic to store it all...
Stepping over the puddle in our slightly flooded basement to get to the washer in order to do a dozen loads of laundry a week...
Folding said laundry in the morning, afternoon, and late evening...
Visiting with family and friends on weekends and at church, and managing the social calendar inbetween...
Watching my husband fell trees in order to allow more sunshine to reach our newly remodeled swimming pool...
Budgeting, paying bills, and tracking every penny spent...
Thinking and praying about acquiring a new vehicle that will fit three car seats...
Checking the bird's nest outside our door for new chicks, and watching the birdfeeder to see if my cardinal friend is out there...
Enjoying the sensations of a wiggly unborn baby, and brothers who like to touch my belly and say, "She's playing peek-a-boo!"
Finding it hard to squeeze my regular weekly bread baking and floor cleaning into the schedule...
Changing the sheets and washing pillowcases for the four pillows I am currently sleeping with...
Sleeping an impressive seven hours a night (okay, maybe 6 1/2)...
Feeling slightly overwhelmed by my complete inability to do it all...
Knowing my Lord has much to teach me, and that these busy days must not become a distraction...
Trusting in my Maker, that every detail of my life is in His perfect hands.
But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, "You are my God."
My times are in your hands...
Psalm 31:14-15a
Manda you are a great wife and mommy. Enjoy these days 'cause it only gets harder to find time after number three. God Bless.